Hey earthly people
Good morning, starshine, the earth says "Hello!"
You read the Bible, it's all in there. I have trouble understanding the Bible and knowing where to find what I'm looking for. I use other tools to help me out, such as a book called Promises for You, and biblegateway.com. There are also Bibles that have additional information about the passage to help you understand. Also, there is no mention of purgatory in the Bible.
the dictionary gives the definition of porn as "the act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money. " So yes, porn is a form of prostitution.
The purpose is to worship God (God's a bit selfish) and "rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” -Genesis 1:26
Why does your doctor want you to undergo hypnotherapy to learn about 3 past lives that there is no evidence that they actually exist? John 3:6 says "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit." and Genesis 2:7 tells us that God made man from the dust of the earth. When you think about it when we die we go back to our original forms, our bodies being formed from the earth go back into being dust, and our spirits go back to God who's in heaven but only if you believe Jesus is His Son. The Bible says several times that those who believe in Christ will have eternal life in Heaven (their spirits will). It also said those that do not die, so that means your spirit doesn't move on to anywhere it just becomes non-existent.
A few days ago I answered a formspring question that asked me "When did you start to truly believe in Him and His power? (:"
I want to expand on my answer more. (This will probably also answer "How can you believe in something that you have not seen?)
Like I've said before, I grew up in a Christian family-- that is to say, my mom grandma, great aunts and all believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. In my household though, I wasn't really taught what it meant to be a Christian, until about the time I was in high school. My earliest memory of church with my family was when I was about 9 years old, and we attended a Christian Science church (which with my lack of understanding confused me to no end). I attended the children's sunday school and I remember being embarrased because 1) I did not attend church regularly, 2) I could not answer any of the questions that were related to Christian Science, 3) I didn't read the Bible, nor did I own one. We didn't stay with the Christian Science church very long, maybe just a month or two. After that I just remember church hopping. I never liked this because I didn't feel comfortable being new all the time, and having to be asked questions about my religious background that I had no clue how to answer. I didn't really know Biblical stories, or what a denomination was-- it was all just too complicated, overwhelming, and frustrating. I ended up not liking church very much.
In middle school I remember wanting to go to church with different family members when I visited my grandma. For a while I attended a sunday school that had a shuttle bus that picked me up from my grandma's house. I don't know why I was so eager to go; maybe I just wanted something to do other than staying at my grandma's house, or maybe I thought I was supposed to go to church, so I did so because I was supposed to go to church like I was supposed to go to school.
Fast-forwarding to high school years-- when my family actually started to attend a church regularly. This is also the time that we moved to the area I call home now. When we first moved, our new neighbors invited us to church with them at Oakland Baptist Church . My experience there was not impacting. I was just there. The only thing I can recall was being mesmerized by the sign language interpreter. We eventually left Oakland and became members of New Life Ministries , where I actually became more involved and attended the youth group Xtreme regularly.
I liked New Life a lot; the youth group help me gain an understanding of Christianity, but left me feeling a little left out because I didn't feel "on fire for God". So I felt like I had to fake it, something I didn't want to do because I wanted to feel the fire that everyone else was feeling, but I just wasn't. Since I couldn't figure out how to get this fire-- afterall, I was going to church regularly, reading my assigned scripture, and being a good person-- I figured that maybe it didn't exist and people were brainwashed or something, thus I inevitably gave up and once again was just there in church. A couple of years later some drama happened between some members in the church and my family followed some friends to another church in the area River of Life Pentecostal. I became the morning scripture reader, but by this point I was just going through the motions. (meanwhile I still attended Xtreme off and on). A year later more drama happened between members of the church, and we followed a family friend to Strong Tower Ministries. It was there where I decided to stop calling myself a Christian, because it was there where I saw the "on fire" people outside of church being opposite of the act they put on in church. And it was there that people judged me based on appearance (at this point I was going to a fashion phase and dressed goth).
I will never forget the lady who approached me at McDonald's after service to tell me that "Jesus loved me" because she thought I was an atheist or a satanist because I was dressed in black and metal. I responded to the lady "I know. I saw you at church this morning. You should have listened to the message: Don't judge a book by it's cover." After that moment I didn't want to be called a Christian, but just a follower of God. Based on what I saw (the drama, the hypocrites, and the "on fire" brainwashed people) being a Christian was just for the clergy and their right-hand people, and the congregation during Sunday morning service.
I enter college as a follower of God, but the problem is something was still missing. I knew the something was missing had to do with God, so I tried to figure it out by joining Cru and going to a Bible study group every week, in hopes that the Bible study would lead me to the answer. Freshman, sophomore, and junior pass, and no answer. I eventually stopped going and just tried to find the answer in the Bible on my own. This failed as I did not know where to begin in the Bible and had become accustomed to using the Bible as a supplement to the Bible study lessons. I found my way back into another Bible study group and after a month quit because they were hounding on me to read the Bible more, something I didn't know how to do without an assignment. On the plus side, that Bible study group did help me find what I was missing-- I was missing God ironically enough. I was told that I could find Him by actively seeking him and reading the Bible. Ugh! Wasn't I actively seeking Him for the past few years already? And how exactly do I find Him in a book that only makes sense with a lesson attached to it.
From then on I prayed to God to help me find Him. In a way my prayers were more thank you's because I thank Him for helping me find Him, I thanked Him for everything He's done for me that I have not realized yet, and I thanked Him for giving me patience. This lead to my prayers being answered in a snowball effect. In November 2009 I figured out how to find God, I must first except Jesus Christ as His son and believe in Him. (By the way, this was in the Bible! One would have thought I would have discovered that back in high school.)
And here come's the big question "How do I know that Jesus is really the son of God?" My boyfriend would tell me because it's written in the Bible. This lead to my "Yeah, but"s. I went back and forth with this until about April 2010. At this time I was really down in the dumps, I had just lost my little brother, I was unemployed, and I was lonely. I'm laying in bed, feeling tormented. I finally asked "God if Jesus is really your son, then do something to give me a definite yes, and I'll believe and call myself a Christian." I heard a little voice in my head, well, it was more of like a vague thought, but anyway it said to read a certain scripture then the phone would ring. It's 2 or 3 am. No one in there right mind would call at such a time. I figure, what do I got to lose. I read the scripture and sure enough the phone rang. In which case I start crying because to be honest with you, that's freaky! That night I called myself a Christian and now I'm on looking for that on fire-ness that I've seen in some people in my life about 10 years ago. I know that I'll get it eventually. I now know that you just don't seek, believe, and bam you're on fire, that you must grow into it. (or at least that's how it's working out for me)
Please don't take this and think that God is going to make Himself that obvious when you ask. In my experience He does what is necessary for you, not what you want. I believe what was necessary for me was to get a small slap in my face by Him showing me His power. Also to clarify, by no means did God literally say something in English to me as if he was whispering in my ear or on a speaker, most of the time I knew He was speaking when things seemed like a coincidence, but you have that weird feeling it's not, or it was like a vague thought. This is not to say He doesn't speak to people in a clear voice as well. To believe in Him and Jesus you just have to have faith and believe.
Not sure? Eve would have been casted out of the garden, and Adam would have stayed in maybe... Here is one theory: http://www.eternalgod.org/qapdf/9333
Yeah, I wonder what it looks like. Is it invisible like the wind? And where does it stay?
Also in 2 Chronicles 7:14
"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. "
Mark 11:25
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.
So pretty much look at your life and ask yourself if you are doing what the Bible says to do in order for God to answer your prayers. I'm not trying to say that you aren't but if you feel that He isn't answering your prayers then check and see if all your ducks are in a line. In order for a prayer to work, you must always be thankful for what you have in life and continue to thank HIm, continue to seek Him, be patient, and realize that He's allowing to suffer for a reason (Romans 5:1-5 has that reason).
6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
13 To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law. 14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.
15 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 16 Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. 17 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
-the trespass is Adam's sin , versus a trespass is a sin.
the gift is God's mercy forgiving us of our sin.
18 Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
-this verse explains why Jesus dying on the cross saves us. I always wondered that.
20 The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, 21 so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
If by mermaid, you mean God will transform you into something beautiful, then he already has... if you like literally mean a mermaid... um... to each his own?
I live by this verse: Romans 12:12 "Be Joyful hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. " I've had a ton of negative things happen all my life- from a dangerous alcoholic father, to sexual abuse, to my brother committing suicide this year, and yet I'm blessed and have taken all the negativity and found positivity in everything. Now, I have an awesome start to my career, I'm complete self-sufficient, I'm healthy, and have all the material things I could want. I have an amazing boyfriend, and I'm looking at continue my education and work on my master's starting in 2012. No matter how many trials I'll face in my life I can overcome them, and as long as joyful hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer, God's by my side making sure I can handle all of it.
1. I believe there the devil exist, not necessarily as depicted in cartoons as the red horned, hooved creature. 2. Yes and no... 3. I've never seen an atom but I believe it exists. I've never seen the dark side of the moon, but I believe it exists.... There's tons of things I've never seen, but I believe they exist.
Um, so the people who knock on your door to invite to attend the local baptist church isn't God's way of actively pursuing you?
First post in a long time, so let's catch you all up to speed.
In July I started a new job-- it is exactly how I wanted to start my career. I work with animal used in research at various locations, learning many skills of different jobs in the field. My job involves a lot of travelling, which inevitably resulted in the death of Mr. Socko (my old car). However I bought a brand new 2011 hyundai, and made the whole ordeal a learning experience worthwhile.
In August I moved closer to the general area of the sites I visit, and have 2 roommates whom I hardly ever see because our schedules don't permit it. I'm actually kind of lonely here as I have no friends in the area, and I do not exactly know how to make friends outside the academic environment (something that school fails at teaching). I joined a Monday yoga group, but it's small and the ladies there are out of my age range. My boyfriend told me that I make new friends by getting involved in a church, but I haven't found one that suits me in the area.
Any suggestions with this? (Also because I am constantly changing sites at work, becoming buddies with the people I work with is a bit difficult)
Anyway over the past 4 months I've attended a few churches, depending on where I am a particular weekend-- my cousin's church (Mosaic Christian Church) if I'm here, my parents' church when I'm there, my boyfriend's family church, and I tried one other church in the area (Advance Church)thinking I'd like it and turned out I didn't. So far I like Mosaic the best, my boyfriend is kinda iffy with the pastor (as am I). For example, I don't agree with taking communion every Sunday.
I'm not too worried about finding the right church, that'll come with time. As long as I continue to seek Him and pray, I'll continue on the right path on my journey.
I'm currently searching for a church in my area. I recently moved, and have tried a couple of services. I continue to thank God for all that he has done for me so far, and continue to ask for wisdom as times become trying.
I ask why a lot, and the thing I try to remind myself, is instead of asking why, ask God to help me gain wisdom to understand.
I got a new job, and so much has happened, that i'm still getting used to all the changes, I will update this weekend, I promise!
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