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Happy Belated Father's Day!

It has definitely been awhile since I have updated. First to update with a message I received at First Baptist in Bassett, VA (http://www.firstbaptistbassett.com/).

The message was from 2 Corinthians 5:14- 20. The lesson was "One died for all" meaning the grace of God extends to all who will receive it, and it is through grace that we are saved.

And that's all I can really say about that.

In the mean time. I'm not reading the Bible. I always think to do it, but am too lazy to do it. I really want to continue reading Romans with Aaron. But I don't mention anything to it. I'm irritated that I lost my little book Aaron's mom gave me. It has to be around here somewhere, it just got misplace when I rearranged my room. Currently I try to keep Romans 12:12 in mind, but it gets more and more difficult. The only thing I have is hope, but I am too depressed to be joyful about it. And my patience has flown out the window. And now that I think about it I don't know even if I have any hope to pray about. UGH! I just get overwhelmed so easily.

Yesterday Carol gave me some words of encouragement and told me that sometimes before God opens the door that he wants us to go through all the other doors that I went through need to be closed first. Which thinking about it, I still have one more door to close. I have no idea why I'm leaving it open, because I don't want to go back through it. I guess now is as good of time as any to close it. (goes and close door)

Okay done. And it wasn't that bad. Honestly it was relatively easy. Why didn't I do that before? I actually have some relief now :) Well, I'll guess that will suffice as an update.


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About Me

Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
I'm 23, just out of college (Go Hokies!), and decided April 2010 that I wanted to be Christian. You see, I grew up in a Christian household, but never really considered myself Christian, and at some point in high school did not identify my as Christian, but what I dubbed a follower of God. After 7 or 8 years of going from bible study to bible study trying to find God, I only recently learned that I have to accept Jesus in order to find Him.

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