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5. punish us it was human mistake that we are born with original sin. Jesus was sent to save us. He suffered the ultimate price to save us. God bless you!

I haven't heard of the part where Jesus descended to hell. I just asked my boyfriend, and he told me that was a common belief. I have no clue what happened during the three days before he was resurrected. I believe that Jesus died for our sins and that he was resurrected 3 deaths after his death. That's about it.

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Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
I'm 23, just out of college (Go Hokies!), and decided April 2010 that I wanted to be Christian. You see, I grew up in a Christian household, but never really considered myself Christian, and at some point in high school did not identify my as Christian, but what I dubbed a follower of God. After 7 or 8 years of going from bible study to bible study trying to find God, I only recently learned that I have to accept Jesus in order to find Him.

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