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When has God worked good in your life despite your blindness and deafness? How would you explain to a non-Christian what God has done for you?What should be our motivation in witnessing to others of God's grace in our lives?

all the time in the past when i didn't understand His existence and how he worked in my life, he's been there to help me get to where i am today. I would tell them point blank what He's done for me in my own words, and why I believe what I believe. To glorify Him should be your motivation.

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Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
I'm 23, just out of college (Go Hokies!), and decided April 2010 that I wanted to be Christian. You see, I grew up in a Christian household, but never really considered myself Christian, and at some point in high school did not identify my as Christian, but what I dubbed a follower of God. After 7 or 8 years of going from bible study to bible study trying to find God, I only recently learned that I have to accept Jesus in order to find Him.

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