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What is the closest brush with death you ever had? How did it make you feel?

About two summers ago I went tubing in a river with some friends. We came to this one part were the rapids were really turbulent and it flipped my tube over. The currents were so strong that I couldn't swim to the surface. All I could do was tumble helplessly with the current. Oddly enough, I felt proud of myself for not panicking and thinking through the situation. As I was tumbling I tucked in my knees and head and protected my head with my hands to minimize injuries from colliding with rocks. When I noticed the current calm down a little I attempted to resurface, and grabbed the first thing I could to stop myself from continue down the river.

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Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
I'm 23, just out of college (Go Hokies!), and decided April 2010 that I wanted to be Christian. You see, I grew up in a Christian household, but never really considered myself Christian, and at some point in high school did not identify my as Christian, but what I dubbed a follower of God. After 7 or 8 years of going from bible study to bible study trying to find God, I only recently learned that I have to accept Jesus in order to find Him.

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